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Meta fined by Norway for violating data privacy laws


The Norwegian Datatilsynet (DTA) announced on Tuesday that it would start fining Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, for defying a ban on using users’ personal information to target ads.

The DTA said that Meta had until August 4 to comply with the ban, but had not done so. As a result, the DTA will start fining Meta one million kroner (approximately $97,000) per day starting on August 14.

The DTA’s decision was based on a finding that Meta’s behavioral advertising practices violate Norwegian data protection law. The DTA said that Meta’s practices are “intrusive surveillance” of users that negatively impacts their right to data protection and freedom of information.

The DTA is also concerned that Meta may be using sensitive personal data for advertising purposes.

Meta has said that it plans to ask users in the European Union, EEA, and Switzerland to give their consent before allowing targeted advertising on its platforms. However, the DTA said that this is not enough, as Meta is still processing users’ personal data unlawfully in the meantime.

The DTA’s decision is a significant development in the ongoing debate over the privacy implications of big tech companies’ data collection practices. It is also a warning to other tech companies that they must comply with Norwegian data protection law or face steep fines.

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