Balikbayan Box Procedures Introduction:

Sending a balikbayan box to the Philippines is a cherished tradition for many overseas Filipinos. These boxes are filled with items for their loved ones back home, often containing gifts, groceries, and other essential goods. In this blog post, we will explore the procedures involved in sending a balikbayan box to the Philippines, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Balikbayan Box Procedures

1. Select a Reliable Shipping Company

Choosing a reliable shipping company is essential when sending a balikbayan box to the Philippines. Look for reputable companies that specialize in balikbayan box shipments. Consider factors such as their track record, customer reviews, and the range of services they offer. A reliable shipping company will handle the transportation, customs clearance, and delivery of your balikbayan box.

2. Prepare the Balikbayan Box

Before packing your balikbayan box, consider the customs regulations and restrictions in the Philippines. Prohibited items include firearms, ammunition, explosives, illegal drugs, and other contraband. It is important to comply with these regulations to avoid any legal issues or delays in the customs clearance process. Pack the box securely, ensuring that fragile items are properly cushioned and protected.

Balikbayan Box

3. Complete the Required Documentation

To send a balikbayan box to the Philippines, you will need to complete certain documents. These typically include balikbayan box procedures:

  • Commercial Invoice: This document lists the items included in the balikbayan box, along with their corresponding quantities and values. Ensure that the information is accurate and complete.
  • Packing List: A packing list provides a detailed inventory of the items in the balikbayan box. Include descriptions, quantities, and values of each item to facilitate the customs clearance process.
  • Copy of Passport or Identification: You may be required to provide a copy of your passport or identification as proof of your identity.
  • Bill of Lading or Airway Bill: This document serves as proof of shipment and contains essential information such as the origin, destination, and tracking number of the balikbayan box.

4. Declare the Contents and Value

When sending a balikbayan box to the Philippines, it is important to declare the contents and their corresponding values accurately. Customs officials will assess the value of the items and may charge duties and taxes based on the declared value. Under-declaring the value of the items is unlawful and can lead to penalties or confiscation of the box. It is best to be transparent and honest in your declaration.

Balikbayan Box

5. Pay Duties and Taxes (if applicable)

Depending on the value and nature of the items in the balikbayan box, customs duties and taxes may apply. The amount will be determined by customs officials upon inspection of the balikbayan box procedures. If duties and taxes are applicable, you will need to settle the payment before the box can be released. The shipping company will provide guidance on the payment process and any necessary forms.

6. Customs Clearance and Delivery

Once the balikbayan box arrives in the Philippines, it will undergo customs clearance. Customs officials will inspect the contents of the box to ensure compliance with regulations. This process may take some time, depending on the volume of shipments and the thoroughness of the inspection. After the customs clearance, the shipping company will arrange for the delivery of the balikbayan box to its final destination in the Philippines.

Source: Bureau of Customs


Sending a balikbayan box to the Philippines involves selecting a reliable shipping company, preparing the box according to customs regulations, completing the necessary documentation, declaring the contents accurately, and paying any applicable duties and taxes. By following these procedures, you can ensure a smooth and successful shipment, allowing your balikbayan box to reach its intended recipients in the Philippines. Remember to stay updated with the latest customs regulations and consult with the shipping company for any specific requirements or changes in balikbayan box procedures.

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